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For witnesses

You may be asked to give evidence or produce material to the court as part of an inquest.

This is because the coroner believes you may have information that is helpful to the investigation.

You will receive a summons to appear as a witness

This will contain important information on when you will need to go to court and anything you may need to bring.

Please read the Information for witnesses fact sheet.

Do you require assistance?

To help support you through the hearing, you may contact Court Network volunteers.

The court can also arrange for an interpreter or for access to hearing loop facilities if you need help giving evidence.

Giving evidence

When you step into the witness box, you will be asked whether you want to take an oath or make an affirmation to swear your evidence will be truthful.

Your previously submitted statement may be read aloud and you will be asked if it is true and correct.

You will then be asked questions by the coroner’s assistant or counsel assisting, other parties and the coroner.

Are you worried you will incriminate yourself?

Please raise any concerns with the coroner’s assistant or counsel assisting or the coroner’s investigator before the inquest. You may also wish to seek legal advice.

The coroner can compel you to answer questions even if your answers are incriminatory. Alternatively, you may be able to apply for a certificate of immunity from the coroner or be excused from giving evidence.

What if I don't attend Court or provide documentation to the coroner?

If you can't come to the Court and want to appear via a video link instead, you can apply to the coroner to do so. Please contact the Court for further information.

If you have been summonsed and you don't attend court or apply to the coroner for a video link, the coroner may issue a warrant to arrest and order that person be brought to the Court.

Claiming expenses

You can apply to be partially reimbursed for loss of income, meals, childcare costs or travel.

Please complete the witness expense claim form and submit to the court with all receipts.

Last updated on 12 Sep 2023